Focus on what you want!
#abundance #positivity #loveisall
Self Care is not a task to check off the list.
#awareness #loveyourselffirst #bethelight
High Vibes Create Miracles!
#raiseyourvibe #miracleshappen #loveislove
Finding Beauty
#spring #windyday #daffys
« Conversations in Midlife featuring Sherri O and Susan » talking with women creatives, business owner’s, and spiritual leaders who are slaying after age 45+! Tell us in comments or email us, what you want to hear, we’ll fashion a cast around it. We encourage you to see beyond the ordinary! (Link in bio)
#internationalwomensday #podcaster #womensupportingwomen #matureallure #seeingbeyondtheordinary #womenofinfluence @mature.allure
Happy International Women’s Month! Join us for a new podcast series to discuss « Conversations in Midlife with Sherri O and Susan » with small biz owners/writers who are slaying after age 45+! Tell us in comments or email us, what you want to hear, we’ll fashion a cast around it. We encourage you to see beyond the ordinary! (Link in bio)
#internationalwomensday #podcaster #womensupportingwomen #matureallure #seeingbeyondtheordinary #womenofinfluence @mature.allure
5 Steps to Increased Self Awareness
Stay present with these easy steps today.
#awareness #presence #joy
Visualize and believe!
#believe #createyourday #lovelife
Light and healing - acknowledge the wound. Release and heal. Trusting the process is key. 💙
Create space each day, for flow to occur.
#flow #presence #honoryourself #trusttheprocess
Breath work, its whats for breakfast!
#breatheinbreatheout #focus #presence
Self Discovery Calms the Waves
#selfwareness #alignment
Finding Beauty!
#sundog #skymagic #naturesbeauty
Today is great to start believing in you! A new day awaits!
#focusonwhatyouwant #positivevibes
Love yourself first!
#followyourdreams #selfdiscovery #awareness
#selfaware #breathwork #selfcare
Our path guides us if we trust in its existence.
#selflove #selfdiscovery #awareness #knowyourwhy
Present moment is all we have…
#mindfulness #staypresent #gratitude
« All is well, and all will be well and all manner of things are well. » St. Julian of Norwich
#livingfearlessly #courage #joy #innerstrength
Flow like water, enjoy the path of no resistance.
#flow #water #riversrunning #waterfallwednesday #costeleymill #onlyingeorgia
Ready?! All in love baby! Love yourself first. @pqreyes thanks for this ;)
#selflove #selfcare #selfawareness #ontheroad #rideordie #knowyourwhy
Find the Beauty!
#findingbeauty #seeingbeyondtheordinary #livingfearlessly #lensloves_nature #magnolias #flowerpower #naturesbeauty
Reader Review for « A Practical Guide to Living Fearlessly »
From Pat Deshong:
« This is a no nonsense, easy to read, practical guide to help you navigate through life’s ups and downs. If you feel isolated, disappointed, stressed, I urge you to get a copy. It’s 40 pages containing great advice.
This book will become your friend, so I recommend keeping it nearby. It’s become my guide to « Living Fearlessly » and sits on my nightstand as a reminder. »
#loveisall #fearless #faithoverfear #bookreviews #booktalk #findingbeauty #amwriting
Love is all there is …
Happy Valentines
#happyvalentinesday #love
Be positive; hope opens the door to possibility!
#optimism #hope #joy #awareness
Treat your mind as a resource for love! #loveisallthereis #loveislove #egoless #heartcentered #awarenessjourney
Each moment is new, create your day!
#intuition #trust #loveisall
Are you ready to let your old self go?
#awareness #growth #loveyourselffirst
5 Easy Steps To Awareness Now!
1)Describe Your Surroundings to Yourself
2)Create Space in Your Day for Reflection
3)Take Time to Meditate; 5 min to start
4)Visualize A Perfect Life; Make A Vision Board
5)Commit to Awareness Through These Daily Steps
#selfawareness #apracticalguidetoawareness #loveyourselffirst
Focus on what you want! Not on what you don’t want.
#loveyourlife #présence #highvibetribe
Self awareness allows us to discover our unique gift! What do you hide from the world and how do you show up? Sharing your gift opens the door to immense joy.
#joy #love #peace #selfawareness
Right now! Forever is in every moment.
#nowisnow #findingyourself #selfdiscovery #wethinkwehavetime
Believe you can! And you will!
Trust in your ability to move forward with purpose
#purpose #faith #believeinyourself
Stay present in each moment, each hour, each day. When we are living in the present, we are giving everyone and thing around us, a gift, that is why it’s called “present”. We have now, that is all my friends.
#nowisnow #love #presence #friendship #family #gift
Insist on joy! Love, joy, and trusting in the divine timing.
#divinetiming #trust #awareness #writinglife #joy
Create your day by finding time to observe your commitments, and why you say yes ; eliminate what isn’t necessary. Find time for daily outside time, exercise and quiet time.
#joy #awareness #createyourday
Take the opportunity to CREATE your day, with self awareness. It’s your life!
#selflove #createyourday #awareness #joy
Follow your dreams, your spark and feel the joy!
#followyourdreams #awareness #loveyourselffirst
Be here now!
#loveyourlife #presence #beauty #awareness
We are free spirits living in human bodies.
#freedom #love #choice #loveyourself
Find the beauty!
#loveislove #beauty #highvibetribe
Walk with purpose! Self discovery is a meaningful commitment toward bettering the world. As you follow your path, you share your gifts.
#followyourpassion #selfawareness #bethelight #purpose
Love is all there is
#love #gratitude #bethelight #awareness
Fearless is acting with your heart; knowing its guidance is from your soul. Your Soul knows.
#fearless #courage #loveyourself #awareness
Mindfulness is presence in each moment, in whatever you are doing. Practice for 15 minutes, then extend the time daily. Tip: when you find yourself racing ahead, describe your surroundings or activity to yourself. Take a breath. Back to center.
#mindfulness #presence #consciousliving #awareness
Go within to find your compass.
Your Soul knows.
#listentoyourinnervoice #awarenessjourney #selfimprovement
Know your why! Commit to self awareness in order to discover your purpose, my friends. It will change your life. It changed mine. if you want to know how, read A Practical Guide to Awareness first. Link in bio. 🙏💙
I am Equal to Anything I Face! We can do anything, by believing in ourselves. Expect miracles!
#justsayes #fearless #livingfearlessly #loveisallthereis
Self awareness leads to fulfillment, commit to sharing your gift.
#service #selfaware #joy #findingbeauty
Its all about the journey!
#followyourpath #visionquest #awarenessjourney
Fearless is all love, all the time!
No fear means all inclusivity; my friends.
#nofear #fearless #peace #loveisall
Dream it, see it, feel it, be it!
#createyourday #visulize #love #awareness
Optimism allows for hope; hope opens the door to possibility!
#optimist #gratitude #love #hope #expectmiracles
Seek to sit in gratitude for all you DO have, friends, health, family, and your unique gifts.
#grateful #gratitude #awareness
See the Sky
#getoutside #skyview #cloudlovers #naturesbeauty #moonwalker
Live as the person you are. Self awareness will get you there.
#selfdiscovery #loveyourselffirst #knowyourwhy
Self awareness accesses your inner wisdom leading to self discovery. Share your gift!
#awareness #love #innerwisdomcoaching
Stop, smell the roses, be present.
#selfawareness #presence #beauty #love #selfdiscoverycoach
Focus on your intentions, it’s a new day, a new beginning. Feel the joy of your passion come to life, as you follow your path.
#visionboard #destiny #awareness #love
Thank you for all the support given so generously, through the Fab Over 40 Contest, we raised $9 Million for breast cancer research through @nbcf. Thank you also for supporting my book tour and publication of my third book, A Practical Guide to Living Fearlessly, this year. Just wanna say how much fun I’ve had with this crazy lovely guy, Steve. we had our 2nd date last year on New Years Eve.( Fleetwood Mac cover band concert) What a year it’s been! Bittersweet with the loss of dear Karen Baldyga a few days ago, our sweet Newman girl, and longtime friend. Karen lived fearlessly, and didn’t possess a mean bone in her body. Gracious, loving, Mother and friend, daughter, sister. Love & Prayers to Tim Baldyga, @rizbeejr AJRisley, Chris & Mary, @baldygamary -Katie & @rizbee1752 - Allen Risley. Also, we lost our Beloved Mr.Larry Poe, music teacher, from the St.Francis days, @larrypoe77 , what a force of good he was! He led in service and walked with purpose, changing our lives with the gift he shared. As I said in his wife’s post, “ he freed us from the tyranny of Catholic school”. Prayers for his loved ones go out as well. As they and the Baldyga/Risley families remember their loved ones hoping it comforts. I lived in Charleston, and made some great photos & great friends. Such a charming, beautiful place; the soul of Sullivan’s Island is def in my blood! Joy is key and staying present, my mantra this year has been “we think we have time”. I continue that mantra and challenge you all to make every day count! Do what you love, be present with your loved ones, friends and every single person you meet. Spread love. Love is all there is. Here’s to more love 💜💙💜
#loveisall #resilience #awareness #wethinkwehavetime #friendsforever @cathyisin @sprezzaturayall @sjswieter
Focus on what you want!
#create #visualize #loveisall
Wishing Everyone A Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year!
#happyholidays #merrychristmas #joyeauxnoël #noël
🎀Just a quick Thanks, to the many people; loved ones, friends, and colleagues, who have supported my efforts in the Fab Over Forty Contest. We raised thousands for the National Breast Cancer Foundation and that is the focus. I made it through the quarter finals in 14th place. 💗Thanks so much for your support! @nbcf @thepinkfiggy @sjswieter
#charlestonsc #southernliving #fundraiser #fab40official @clairehartford1111 #coffeewithclaire